So, I was on a shoe buying moratorium as I've been having to spend my money on work travel (ok, maybe a write-off, but you still need to pay for it somehow, right?) Then, my prayers were answered. Paul gave me a DSW certificate for my bday! So I got these Sofft Rieta's for about $7.00 as I had a coupon too. (Regular $107.95) Yesss.
Classy work shoes, court appropriate. They look even hotter on, trust me. I had a great b-day. After my Chicago trip to see my ABA friends, I just had a casual throw down at the PI. Got some cool gifties from my friends, plus the BL was free-flowing. Shout out to my PI bartenders Chris and Tami for hooking me up too! Currently drinking out of my Starbucks double-walled mug from Dev. Gotta get on that card making now. My thank-you cards are overdue!!!