Saturday, August 22, 2015

I've been a bad girl...but a good shoe girl.

It's time to post some long overdue shoes.

I've been so busy working, that I haven't had time to update blog posts, or anything else for that matter...

The good news is, with the increase in income from working too much, the shoes have gone up a notch...  Don't worry, the bargain shoes will be back, but for now, some luxury.  The Christian Louboutin "Charleen" (above).. 

Three more Louboutins, and a Manolo to top it off.  Um.  I've been a bad girl.  The "simple pump", "True Blue", "Suspenodo" and the Manolo Chaos.  Happy b-day to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, It is time for overdue shoes. You have posted designer shoes. I like this design. Thanks for sharing with us.
