Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thanksgiving card idea

Again used the Cricut to cut out a long rectangle (double card length) that folded in the middle (top of inside brown pouch).  The Cricut was used to cut the hole to put in the tea sample from the republic of Tea, one of my favorite tea brands.  Get the sampler cube for 24.

So glue down the tea with a glue dot, then glue around the inside edges of the brown inside "card".  You can embellish with a ribbon or "tag" from Cricut bags tags boxes so it has a "pull tag". You are then done with the inside of the pouch.

Then make the outside pouch by cutting 1/2 inch wider than the inner pouch.  If you're going to send it, make sure it will fit in the envelope.  It willl also be a long rectangle that you fold in half, then fold  a bit of the front down to make your pouch.  Staple on each side (glue does not hold as well to make pocket).  You can then stamp front flap (by masking) and embellish with a strip of leftover paper from the inner pocket.

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